Contract during life
"Life is a gift that we unwrap every day; death is a gift that we receive only once."
Introduction to the contract
Sooner or later, there comes a time for everyone when they need funeral services. Losing a loved one is always sad, and people are often helpless in times of grief. But what to do if an elderly person has no relatives left and is completely alone? In this case, the Funeral Agency "Angel Debesīs" offers a solution - a contract concluded during life.
What is this Contract?
This contract is a service that allows you to pre-negotiate all funeral or cremation services. We take responsibility and fulfill all your wishes, ensuring that your final retirement is exactly how you want it.
Contract Benefits
  • Safety and Peace
    You know that everything will be arranged and executed according to your wishes.
  • Financial Stability
    By concluding a contract, you avoid unexpected expenses in the future.
  • Relief for loved ones
    Your loved ones will not have to worry about funeral arrangements during the difficult time of loss.
  • Personal Approach
    You can outline your wishes in detail and make sure they are respected.
Agenda of the contract
We provide a free consultation where our employee will explain all the details and answer your questions.
Drafting of the Agreement
Together with you, we draw up a contract in which all your wishes regarding burial or cremation.
Providing Services
When the time comes, we will take care of all aspects to ensure a dignified and professional departure from the world.
How to enter into a contract?
  • Meeting in person
    Our employee can come to your home to discuss the terms of the contract.
  • Remote Consultation
    We offer the possibility to consult and conclude the contract by phone or electronically, which is especially useful if you are abroad or cannot come to our office in person.
Apply for insurance for a senior!
Universal life insurance for seniors is designed to provide the necessary financial savings for funeral expenses when needed.
This service provides security and assurance that the funeral ceremony will be organized according to wishes, the grave site will be cared for in the long term, and the family members will not be financially burdened. By making small, regular contributions or a one-time larger amount, a savings is created with a guaranteed return. At the end of the insurance period, all the accumulated money will go to us, for the best service.
We have 3 offices for your convenience
Rīga, Cēsu 11/3
+371 20087777
Rīga, Hipokrāta 2D
+371 20087777
Jūrmala, Konkordijas 59/2
+371 20585850
Send us a request!